Roofline Restorations & Property Maintenance | Whirlybirds Installation

Whirly birds can be a homeowner’s or business owner’s best tool to cut down costs and stay comfortable.

These items play a vital role in air circulation within homes and buildings. Not only that, but when whirly birds and roof valleys are fitted it can help to cut down on the amount of moisture that fills the air within a home during the cooler months, which can in turn prevent the growth of mould and mildew. That can make one’s home safer and cleaner and is especially helpful for those who have problems such as allergies or asthma.

During the hot summer months and the cold winter months, it can seem like there is little that can be done to prevent high cooling and heating bills. However, that’s not the case. By working with a roofing professional, a homeowner or a business owner can find ways to cut their energy costs and stay cool, no matter what time of year it is.

Whirly birds help to reduce the amount of heat in a home during the summer months by venting out the warmer air, which has a tendency to rise, and by filtering in the cooler air from the outdoors. Likewise, this same process pushes out damp air in the cooler months.

Benefits of installing whirly birds include:

  • Reduces heat built up within the roof space
  • Reduces ceiling becoming hot and radiating heat into the home
  • Powered by wind, free to run
  • Saves on energy
  • Promotes fresh air circulation
  • Assist with roof dampness and mould problems


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